Creating impact for purposeful organisations and products
Impact with
Purposeful Organisations and Products
It’s our job to help our customers create successful new products, and to accelerate and improve their business. By focusing our efforts on purposeful organisation and products we extend our impact on the world.
What qualifies as a purposeful organisation or product?
Purposeful organisations and products don’t just optimise for shareholder profit, but rather take all stakeholders, including people, society and the environment, into account. We consider the following businesses purposeful:

1. Non-profit organisations
Non-profits are purposeful by design. They are founded to help solve problems for stakeholders. We’re supporting and working for multiple non-profit organisations including Life Terra (on a mission to plant 500 million new trees for Europe), the Plastic Soup Surfer (aims to stop plastic pollution from entering our environment) and Tech Me Up (funds making tech education available to everyone).

2. Companies certified as purposeful
Businesses that do aim for profit while also committing to account for stakeholders in their objectives and decision making can be certified as purposeful. The best known global standard is the B Corp certification. An example of a B Corp we’ve worked for is - a social enterprise where every product includes a donation. We’re very proud to say that De Voorhoede is B Corp certified since 2023. We recognise there are more purposeful certifications such as Hilfswerft and the Economy for the Common Good.

3. Products with an impact business model
We use B Corp’s definition: “Impact business models are the ways that a business is designed to create a specific positive benefit/outcome for one of its stakeholders. They may be based on their product, a particular process or activity, or the structure of the business. [...] they are specific, material, verifiable, lasting, and extraordinary.”. Examples of our customers with an impact business model are the MedGuide Company (eradicate medicine misuse) and the Green Caravan (make EV charging fossil-free).
Up to 10% impact discount
We’d love to help you make an impact. If you're a non-profit or purposeful company or want to start a purposeful project, you’re eligible for our impact discount. This can save you up to 10% on development costs.

Excited to make an impact?
Contact our Head of Sales & Operations Nena to discuss the posibilities for your project.