Always been interested in AI but never been able to get the full panorama? Our next meetup is here to sketch it out for you: We start with a broad picture of the phenomenon and take you past the differences between Machine Learning and AI. From there we immerse ourselves in the intricacies of AI solution development, finally to emerge at the consumer end with a perspective on some worldly (and webby) applications.
Event schedule
17:30 Doors open, drinks
18:00 Introduction
18:10 “A tour past AI and ML” by Ruurd Moelker
18:40 Break with food & drinks
19:15 “Getting Ur hands dirty with fingerprinting” by Joost Dorscheidt, Geronimo.AI
19:45 “AI in web applications” by Jasper Moelker, De Voorhoede
20:15 Drinks
A tour past AI and ML
Ruurd has both an academic and practical interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He developed a real knack for processing imagery, working on anything from facial recognition to the classification of ancient documents without publishing any sensitive private data. From his unique perspective he can gently introduce us to the subject while having some state-of-the-art examples close at hand.
Getting Ur hands dirty with fingerprinting
All packages within a parcel sorting centre should have a known location. This used to be a labour-intensive process, but currently all packages are tracked in a camera feed using a deep, convolutional neural network. Joost will explain how he and his team used a U-net to segment packages and link them together using fingerprinting.
Joost has had a serious bout in the AI start-up scene and went on to co-found Geronimo.AI to further this passion.
AI in web applications
As front-end developers we can enhance our web apps with AI and Machine Learning. Everyday there are more AI services that we can leverage. In his talk, Jasper will share projects De Voorhoede made with such services, how they designed and developed with them to create a rich user experience.
Jasper is a front-end tech lead at De Voorhoede always on the lookout for new technology.